Central LMS Administration

Precise, Flexible & Independent

Flexible settings and straight forward configuration options are the tools, to match your LMS exactly to your training organisation. Now and in Future!

Adjust LMS Settings Adjust your LMS Settings independently


Independent and flexible Configuration

The versatile LMS Administration Unit is the heart and integral part of TCmanager® Learning Management System.

The LMS administration is characterized by two significant aspects:

  1.  uniquely broad range of setting options;
  2.  possibility to adjust settings independently;

This Independence is Your Advantage

Configure the singular variety of options yourself. This Independence saves you time and cost - now and in future.

International & local Settings

Adapting a Learning Management System (LMS) for international use provides a significant advantage by enhancing accessibility and user experience. TCmanager® LMS supports the detailed management of multiple locations but also global training.

The central administration interface is delivered as standard in both German and English, whilst learning platform and training portals can be published in any language and font.

International Training Managing International Training

This includes:

  • Accommodating different time zones ensures that learners worldwide can access course materials and participate in live sessions at convenient hours, promoting inclusivity.
  • Supporting multiple currencies allows for seamless transactions, making it easier for international users to enroll.
  • Translations, consideration of regional holidays and locally relevant content, take local paticularities into account.

Training Catalogs

The structure and management of training catalogs play a crucial role in the organization and efficient delivery of educational content on the learning platform.

Defining a Catalog Defining Training Catalogs
  • Chapters or Sections: each focusing on specific subjects, departments, or areas of expertise.
  • Learning Content: publishing various learning formats and media, such as in-person seminars, online courses, assessments and comprehensive training programs. Blended learning pathways combine various formats.
  • Multilingual Catalogs: Publishing training catalogs in several languages.

TCmanager® LMS provides efficient support functionality for structuring and publishing your training offer:

  • Intuitive User Interface: With TCmanager, creating training catalogs is intuitively achievable. Training administrators can create catalogs without technical expertise in a short time.
  • Drag-and-Drop Functionality: The ability to arrange content and elements within the catalog through drag-and-drop makes the process highly user-friendly.
  • Catalog Display: Layout and design of catalogs are defined with the implementation of the learning platform. Users can focus on structure and content without worrying further about an adequat presentation.
  • Training portals ensure that the publication of confidential learning content on specific platforms adresses only authorized target audience.

Goodies & Todos

Professional organization is characterized by meticulous coordination. TCmanager® LMS offers a range of functions to support training administrators, which are accessible throughout the entire system, streamlining daily tasks effortlessly.

Todos & Goodies Todos & Goodies
  • "Todos" go beyond simple task lists. Linked to specific task categories they come with due dates, prominently displayed on the main dashboard to indicate their respective urgency.
    Todos can be assigned to particular colleagues or specific teams.
  • "Goodies" serve as quick access points to predefined data collections, schedules, and frequently needed information. These goodies are available for nearly every data category and can be effortlessly configured by any training administrator with just a few clicks. Displayed centrally on the dashboard, goodies can be launched with a single click. When activated, the associated issue, is automatically updated. Goodies can be shared with colleagues to ensure everyone operates with the same data.

Reporting & Controlling

Current evaluations and reports form the foundation for making fact-based decisions at any time and maintaining an overview. Reports can be effortlessly customized, saved as templates, updated, and seamlessly exported to MS Excel® with a single click. Reports can be presented in both graphical or table formats, according to your preference.

Reporting Engine Reporting Features

Standard reports encompass all pertinent training statistics, including:

  • Participant numbers categorized by learning formats over specified time intervals.
  • The evolution of enrollments based on course types.
  • Income generated within defined timeframes, meticulously broken down by cost centers.
  • ...

For those requiring alternative data arrangements, our flexible search screens empower you to create comprehensive overviews of various facets of your training business, such as instructors, training locations, corporate clients, and more, at any time.


Communication is an essential part of the training business. Typical training center correspondence usually includes e. g. welcome letters, course schedules, enrolment confirmations, certificate issuance, feedback requests, invoices, marketing promotions ...

Base your correspondence on flexible templates for MS Word mail merge letters (mail and print), making it accessible to everyone.

automated correspondence

These templates offer several advantages:

  1. Consistency: Templates ensure a uniform and professional appearance for all your documents, maintaining your brand identity.

  2. Time-saving: With templates, you can automate repetitive tasks like adding recipient names and addresses in the respective document templates, saving you valuable time.

  3. Personalization: You can easily tailor the content of each letter to the recipient, adding a personal touch to your communications.

  4. Professional look: Using templates results in polished, error-free documents that enhance your organization's image and credibility.


To issue invoices for training services rendered and settle incoming obligations is part of daily business. 

TCmanager offers many ways to invoice delivered training:

  • Invoicing over cost centers
  • training accounts
  • discounting policy
  • individual and collective invoicing

Naturally we create interfaces to your finance software (e. g. SAP), as well as the integration of payment service providers of your choice ( e. g. PayPal etc.), is part of our service.

Revenue accounts enable you to track and record income generated by your different trainin offers. Incoming invoices for instructor fees or issued orders can be administrated.

Marketing (CRM)

To support your Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM) the course administration comes with an appropriate function portfolio:

  • Select your target groups based on a variety of different criteria such as e. g. company affiliation, educational history, location, language, or areas of interest.
  • TCmanager® sends email messages and newsletters based on mail merge letters directly out of the system.
  • All contacts are automatically documented within the system, regardless of whether the correspondence was addressed to a trainer, a manager, or a (future) participant.
  • This way you can track the success of marketing actions directly.

Search Screens & Datafilter

TCmanager® offers particularly comprehensive possibilities to combine data according to various filter criteria.

Regardless of whether it's course data, participant data, qualifications, or resources, you can create data overviews of any complexity using flexible search masks.

Search Screens Adjusting Search Screens


Process your data further, for example by:

  • Applying targeted bulk processing features
  • Export them to MS Excel® with a single click.
  • Save them for future use as a Goodie.
  • Sort them in any way you prefer.
  • Add alternative column headers.

Data Import & Export

TCmanager® Learning Management System enables effortless import and export of data.

If regular data exchange is required we offer interfaces and timed robots. For synchronous data communication we recommend our webservice-based API for connectivity.

Data Exchange

Data Import

  • Course data
  • Participants
  • Training staff
  • Qualification data
  • and more...

MS Excel®

Importing via Excel is simply executed with just a few settings. Data export to MS Excel® just takes one click.

Data Export

  • Invoice data
  • Qualification data
  • Course statistics
  • any data selection (learners, ressources...)
  • and more...

Access Rights & GDPR Compliance

Data safety is of paramount importance to us, which is why TCmanager® boasts numerous GDPR-compliant features to simplify your tasks: 

  • Our robust role and rights management system offers finely-tuned access, read, and edit permissions, ensuring that administrators only access the data necessary to fulfill their responsibilities.
  • Furthermore, all changes to data and entries are meticulously recorded in a comprehensive data history (audit-trail).
Secure Data
  • To streamline the experience for training administrators, we provide the option to tailor the menu to display only the entries essential for their tasks. Elements that aren't pertinent, such as reports or certain personal data, can be hidden from the administration interface.
  • Our Data Cleansing functionalities assist you in precisely defining the data to delete, either because it's outdated or you no longer have the right to retain it. Additionally, any interconnected data required for compliance with accounting regulations can be anonymized.

Workflow Support.

Workflow support boosts reliability by automating tasks, ensuring consistency, and reducing human error. Efficiency soars as processes like automated correspondence and defined approval workflows streamline operations and enhance overall productivity.

Many workflows can be defined and adjusted by yourself, independent from a vendor.

Training Portal Definition

Complex international training organizations, catering to diverse customer groups, often necessitate multiple training portals, each equipped with its own learning content and information.

Training catalog Training Catalogue


Use standard training portals to set up temporary portals for particular education projects quickly, adjust your appropriate color scheme and insert your logo.

Assign training catalogs and publish news, relevant to this specific target group.

Specify target groups with distinct access privileges to Training Portals and Learning Platform within the roles and rights administration.

Contact us

Would you like to know more?

Call +49(0)89 / 3090 839 30 to arrange for you personal consultancy appointment.

We will be answering all your questions and discuss how TCmanager® LMS can support you.
