LMS Hosting of your Choice
You know best, which mode of TCmanager® LMS implementation works best for you. We will support your decision in any case.
What Hosting-Option suits you Best?

- OnPremise – within your own IT landscape: TCmanager® LMS will be installed on your own server and maintained by your own IT-staff. We offer support when you require it.
- Hosting Service: Host TCmanager® LMS in a data center of your choice. We assist you via a secure access provided by you.
- Cloud: We will host and manage your TCmanager® LMS in a German or international data center of your choice and manage contracts, server maintenance, update etc. for you. The data center will be selected according to your requirements (estimated data volume, your security requirements, anticipated traffic, availability...).
Your LMS - Your Choice
Whether the best choice for you is "On-Premise/On-Site" or "Hosting in an External Data Center" strongly depends on the specific requirements and resources of your organization. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and it's essential to consider your organization's individual needs and priorities.
Our Professional Implementation Service
For each project we define an individual expert task force to accompany you during implementation and going-live of TCmanager® LMS. Our project managers and developers are your competent partners. Based on years of specific experience they can also advise you on sector specific process design, possible system requirements and suggest possible improvements. By the way: TCmanager® LMS meets all GDPR standards, no matter if you choose a hosted or onSite solution. |
What are your Requirements?
Decide yourself how you would like to operate TCmanager® Learning Management System. Let's talk about your requirements and our experiences with various ways of implementation. Find out more about relevant technical prerequisites.

Your IT-department will probably have issued guidelines, applying to your organization and will advise you on their priorities.
To support you in making your decision you might like to read all about the pros & cons and learn more about the relevant questions helping you to come to a decision.

Free Consultancy Appointment
Call +49 (0)89 / 3090 839 - 30 for our free consulting services.
We are looking forward to talking to you soon!