Learning Management News
Best Practice, Interviews and more
Learning management experts offer insights on how to effectively utilize TCmanager® LMS for qualification and training management. Profit from experience, relevant topics, and Best Practise shared by training professionals in leading academies and training centers.
Whilst the original copy has been published in German, we have provided an English translation for your convenience.
Qualification Management meets LXP

LEARNTEC - 5th June, 12:30 - 12:50
We are presenting the advantages of the close interaction of TCmanager® Qualification Management with integrated LXP features:
- Versatility and flexibility of qualification management
- Self-service functions for learners & leaders
- Integration of external learning platform content into own training programs (Blended Learning)
- System-based learning recommendations that particularly consider HR requirements, e.g., proof of compliance
- Cost-effectiveness of integrated LXP functionality compared to standalone systems
Interview: YASKAWA Academy

The eLearning Journal interviewed Torben Schäfer, Head of YASKAWA Academy (EMEA), regarding the selection and further development of a Learning Management System (LMS). He discusses key decision parameters and success criteria in LMS implementation. YASKAWA Academy offers a comprehensive, modular course program for employees and partner companies in the European region, covering robotics, drive, and control technology. YASKAWA utilizes TCmanager® LMS with a learning platform and custom learning portals for employees, trading partners, and trainers.
Krone Landmaschinen

Extended Learning Management Systems integrate various target groups into primary and secondary training processes. This is exemplarily and innovatively implemented at the Bernard Krone GmbH & CO.KG machine factory. This best practice article provides detailed and practical insights into how this implementation works, what to consider, and how training concepts can be implemented internationally and across different companies.
Interview: App meets Augmented Reality

Our partner, INNIO Jenbacher GmbH & CO. OHG employes an innovative mobile app for their product training. Technologically advanced gas engines are a complex field for service technicians and can only be competently operated and maintained with the appropriate expertise and knowledge. The augmented reality app for smartphones connects the actual equipment with multimedia content, allowing the internal components to be virtually disassembled and technical processes inside to be explained comprehensively. The focus is on training needs and performance optimization.
Interview: Deutsche Bahn AG

To qualify up to 50,000 new employees for responsible tasks, Deutsche Bahn relies on TCmanager® LMS. Individual support in specialized training is enhanced through exchange formats among participants and trainers, as well as among the participants themselves. Training logistics and resource allocation are extremely demanding, as not only trainers, rooms, and participants need to be managed but also specialized training equipment. With the introduction of TCmanager® LMS, the software portfolio is also standardized.
TCmanager® LMS meets GDPR

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has significant implications for personal data. Academies and personnel development are naturally highly affected by it. TCmanager® LMS provides versatile, practice-optimized, and optionally automated functions to support in this regard.
Interview: LMS vs. LXP

Often declared dead, Learning Management Systems (LMS) continue to grow and thrive as the core of professional learning landscapes. In conjunction with virtual classrooms, Learning Experience Platforms (LXP), authoring and collaboration tools, they form the core of Learning-Eco-Systems, as they provide companies with structural individuality and thus competitive advantages.
2018 - We celebrate our 20th Anniversary

With their impressive 20-year history, both TCmanager® LMS and SoftDeCC Software GmbH hold a solid place among the pioneers of the German-speaking eLearning industry. The company's history and that of its LMS illustrate the advancements in IT-supported corporate learning over the past two decades, highlighting the significant journey the industry has undertaken since then.
KYOCERA ACADEMY: International Rollout

In companies with numerous subsidiaries and partner companies, providing customized learning content for overarching needs can be a challenge. In this project, KYOCERA ACADEMY, in collaboration with the solution provider SoftDeCC, implemented personalized access rights in the TCmanager® LMS. External partners gain on-demand access to functions and learning content through fine-grained access control.
Award 2013: Strategic Qualification

Providing current knowledge to multinational corporations, like a leader in medical and safety technology, is a complex task. It involves integrating diverse technologies, ensuring smooth data integration through standardized interfaces, and coordinating training times with skilled technicians' support assignments, often across different time zones.
Mobile Learning @SIEMENS Power Academy

With the project iPad@PowerAcademy, the long-established German industrial conglomerate Siemens has opted for a mobile eLearning solution with a tailor-made iPad app. The goal is to complement traditional in-person training and expand it into blended learning. This aims to improve training quality and make it more innovative.

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