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Learning Technology in Corporate Learning & Staff Development

The contents of these papers encompass a wide spectrum, spanning from HR to software, and delving into various intriguing facets of Learning & Development.

Discover valuable insights on topics such as learning technology and digitalization in the context of corporate learning and profit from many checklists.


Key Concepts of Qualification Mgmt.

Advantage Qualification Management Software


Discover the essential functions and quality criteria of qualification management software. Learn why precise terminology is crucial for effective communication with vendors.

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How to Evaluate Your Future LMS

Test Learning Management System


Selecting a Learning Management System (LMS) is a strategic choice that profoundly affects the success of your training and development initiatives. To ensure the chosen system aligns with your needs, making a well-informed decision is crucial. A test installation provides an ideal chance to assess and test the LMS in your own environment.

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Scope of Customizable LMS

LMS Performance


A flexible LMS is essential for globally operating companies to offer tailored training solutions. It must support customizable modules, process-oriented workflows, and scalable extensions. Regular updates and agile development ensure that it meets growing demands over the long term.

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Monetizing Training Offerings

Monetize Training


Monetizing training offerings requires careful integration of course publishing, customer management, payment processing, and reporting. An LMS optimizes these processes, promotes personalized engagement, and facilitates revenue growth through automation while enhancing operational efficiency.

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How LMSs support your Compliance Challenges

Compliance Training


In regulated industries, maintaining compliance with intricate and evolving regulations is paramount for avoiding penalties and ensuring operational integrity. 
A validated LMS plays a pivotal role by providing a platform for systematically organizing, delivering, and tracking compliance training initiatives. It ensures that employees receive the requisite training, monitors their progress, and documents their successful completion, thereby facilitating seamless compliance management.

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How to transform Classes to Blended Learning

TransformBlended Learning


Digitalization is reshaping education. Companies must adapt to modern learning needs. Blended Learning blends digital and personal interaction effectively.

Learn how to transform in-person training into Blended Learning and profit from its benefits: cost savings, flexibility, and tailored learning.

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How much does an LMS cost?

How much does a LMS cost?


How much does a Learning Management System cost? A Learning Management System (LMS) involves initial and operational expenses, which can be based on various licensing models. It's crucial to consider costs for future-proofing regarding customization and further development.

However, implementing an LMS is worthwhile. The benefit calculation includes efficiency improvement, time savings, meaningful ROI, and ROE. Identifiable benefit parameters include cost savings, increased productivity, and employee satisfaction.

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How to: Implementing an LMS

Educational Strategy


Investing in an LMS for industrial training centers and academies should not only meet current needs but also anticipate future developments. Choosing an LMS vendor based on current technology, ensuring continuous development, and enabling seamless system integration is crucial to ensure the future security of your investment. Careful selection will help elevate your organization's level of digitization and ensure long-term optimization of your training processes.

Including a step-by-step-description and checklist!

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LMS Performance & Scalability

LMS Performance


Discover how to design a scalable and high-performance Learning Management System (LMS) for your growing company. Our guide provides concrete steps for planning, from modular architecture and cloud solutions to continuous performance monitoring and data management. Optimize your training infrastructure effectively!

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Integration of LMS & Legacy Systems



Integrating an LMS enhances efficiency through automated data flows, increases data security, and provides flexibility for future system expansions. It strengthens competitiveness through targeted training and creates a future-proof IT ecosystem.

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What about: LMS Quality Criteria

LMS Quality Criteria


When selecting software, considering objective quality criteria is crucial. But what do quality criteria like compliance, flexibility, reliability, future-proofing, and user-friendliness mean specifically in the context of a Learning Management System (LMS)?

We explain the significance of these quality criteria for LMSs and provide you with a ► Free Checklist to assess Learning Management Systems accordingly.

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How to: define LMS-Requirements

LMS Requirements


Creating an LMS specification is crucial for choosing and implementing a Learning Management System. It ensures alignment with organizational needs and future adaptability. Distinguishing between functional and non-functional requirements is key for precise system definition. A thorough requirement analysis, is the foundation for successful LMS selection and implementation.

► Including checklists, step-by-step-guide + free tool to collect your requirements.

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What about: LMS Hosting Options

LMS Hosting


Modern technology provides more flexibility and diversity than ever before for the implementation of a Learning Management System (LMS). Organizations have various options to operate an LMS in a way that meets their individual needs, resources, and goals.

We have compiled an overview of installation options, advantages and disadvantages, as well as relevant questions for you.

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Learning Experience Ecosystems

Learning Experience Ecosystem


A Learning Experience Ecosystem combines the strengths of LMS and LXP, making it invaluable for businesses. The benefits of both approaches should always aim to meet the specific needs and goals of the company. The integration of LMS and LXP into a holistic learning environment promotes employee development, enhances competitiveness, and also supports future success in a changing business world.

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Tracking Learning Progress

Tracking Learning Progress


Effective tracking of learning activities is crucial for training success in companies. It enhances efficiency, transparency, and compliance by precisely managing training data, expiration dates, and audit trails. Support for SCORM, xAPI, and integration with qualification management are essential for a robust LMS.


Multi-Tenancy LMS: Pros & Cons



A multi-tenant Learning Management System (LMS) allows companies to manage multiple independent units centrally on one platform. This solution offers numerous advantages, such as cost efficiency and scalability, but also presents challenges like security requirements and limited customization options.

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LXP: Principles of Quality and Ethics

LXP Compliance


Explore the impact of AI-infused Learning Experience Platforms (LXP). This article delves into challenges and advancements, focusing on ethics, legal compliance, and ensuring fairness in training datasets. It advocates for transparent processes, proactive ethics, and corrective measures for undesirable outcomes.

With comprehensive checklist for trainingsadministors and staff developers

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All FAQs about Learning Platforms



Delve into the world of learning platforms with answers to key questions. From understanding the differences between eLearning and LXP, to exploring functionalities like content management and integration capabilities, this guide equips you with essential insights. Discover how these platforms foster engagement, ensure data security, and support diverse learning needs.

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Gamification & Qualification

Digital Corporate Learning


Gamification in qualification management integrates game-like elements into learning to motivate employees. It involves clear goal-setting, structured learning, platform adaptation, and acceptance within the company. Gamification boosts motivation, promotes learning, and contributes to individual and organizational success.

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Innovating Learning Technology



We present technical innovations tailored to academies and training centers. We elucidate the benefits and prerequisites of several innovations, including interactive media, blockchain, and AI, in enhancing the educational experience, accompanied by examples of their application. Nevertheless, the seamless incorporation of these innovations depends on specific prerequisites of the Learning Environment.

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Learning Landscapes on the Move

Digital Learning Landscapes


The changes in the corporate environment and organizational culture influence internal corporate learning and the design of digital learning environments. It is crucial to continuously adjust individual combinations of Learning Management Systems (LMS / LXP), external tools, and content. The key lies in continually adapting to the changing needs of stakeholders. This requires the use of current methods such as Lean UX. This leads to new requirements.

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Blended Learning Management

New Blended Learning


Learning Management Systems must meet high standards to accommodate the digital learning strategy of your learning landscape. 

An LMS must not only publish elearning content but also many other learning formats. Complex curricula contain mandatory WBTs, tests as well as seminars and optional learning content. those might be free of charge or may be subjected to invoicing or approval processes.

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Is Learning Technology enough?

Learning Technology


To ensure that learning processes within organizations are sustainable and motivating, more is needed than just implementing a learning platform. Ultimately, the goal is to achieve tangible benefits for the company through intentional learning processes. This requires careful consideration beyond learning technology. Essential to this are individual learning and motivation structures that provide the right impulses at the right time.

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User-Generated Content

User Generated Content


Knowledge is a factor for business success. What could be more natural than tapping into existing knowledge within the company, namely from employees, and sharing it within the organization? Read about the technology and competencies required for creating user-generated content, the arguments for and against it, and potential pitfalls.

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Advantage Product Training

Product Training


Structured knowledge transfer is crucial for successful process implementation, involving sales and maintenance. It also aids in introducing new products, extending the customer life cycle, and maintaining brand value. Training is essential for both knowledge transfer and motivation, reducing workforce turnover.

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Focus on Learning Strategy

Educational Strategy


Digitalization brings dynamic changes, evolving consumer culture, and intense global competition. Transformation involves individual and organizational learning, linked to educational strategies and digitalization. Developing a digital corporate education strategy is critical to success. Corporate education is an essential part of business strategy.

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What about: Digital Competencies

Digital Competencies


Training in digital skills is vital for companies in the digital age. Companies should strategize digital needs, offer various learning formats, employ learning platforms, and regularly assess progress,. Use our comprehensive checklist for guidance.

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All about: Self-Directed Learning

Selfdirected Learning


Self-directed learning, powered by LXP/LMS, boosts success. Aligning it with the company strategy fosters flexibility, efficiency, and motivation. Companies must consider technology and learning culture to. Find out more about how the right conditions and platforms promote lifelong learning and competitiveness in your enterprise.

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Digital Corporate Learning

Digital Corporate Learning


Digitalization isn't just technical; it's closely tied to corporate culture. Communication is vital in change projects, addressing employees at their development stages. Gap analysis of digital skills is crucial. Modern Learning Management Systems aid digitalization guided by learning experts. A thorough analysis, considering corporate goals, is the foundation. Iterative methods enable adaptable responses to developments. Checklist included!

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What is an LMS?

Discovering LMS


The digital era brings competitive pressure, complex products, high expectations, and legal requirements. Learning Management Systems are essential but challenging to choose due to a lack of clear software terminology. This raises the question: What defines a Learning Management System?

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Skills Shortage vs Qualifications

Internal Recruiting


Skills shortage requires effective measures. Personal development, internal recruiting, and Qualifications Management software are the keys. The strategic integration of qualification and learning paths into the recruiting process, facilitates the identification of internal talent, allowing for an effective response to the skills shortage.

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Professional Learning Architecture

Learning Architecture


Professional learning architecture is crucial for companies, supporting employee development, competitiveness, change management, and cost-efficient decision-making. Key aspects include user-friendliness, scalability, and data security. System integration addresses data inconsistencies and boosts data utilization.

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How to replace your LMS

LMS Replacement


Replacing the Learning Management System is anything but trivial. It is crucial not only to recognize good reasons but also to identify the right time for a change. A structured approach is essential for this. We assist you with a step-by-step guide and introduce methods to help you successfully overcome this challenge.

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How to migrate your LMS to Cloud

Cloud LMS


The choice to move an LMS that was previously hosted on-premises to an external data center necessitates a thorough evaluation of these pivotal factors. Selecting the correct external data center partner, a fitting LMS, and the right licensing option are essential for the project's success.

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Automate Learning Paths & Certification

Automate Learning Paths


Automated learning paths and certification processes in LMS optimize training, saving time and costs. Technologies like AI and workflow automation simplify management and ensure scalability. Organizations remain flexible, efficient, and meet compliance requirements.

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Sustainability through Digital Training

Sustainable Training


With digital training solutions, companies reduce their carbon footprint while increasing efficiency. A Learning Management System (LMS) enables paperless training, reduces travel emissions, and promotes sustainable development – paving the way to a greener future.

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Your New Business Model: CLaaS



Corporate Learning as a Service (CLaaS) allows companies to offer their training resources as a service. With a flexible, scalable Learning Management System (LMS), companies can efficiently manage both internal and external training. The e-learning market is rapidly growing, and CLaaS provides a profitable solution for educational needs..


Boost your Training Business's Revenue



Discover how a modern Learning Management System (LMS) can boost your training business revenue. From personalized learning paths and micro-learning to innovative subscription models—leverage advanced LMS features and CRM integration to unlock new business opportunities and enhance customer retention.

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Up- & Reskilling with LMS



Discover how specialized Learning Management Systems help companies overcome the technical, logistical, and infrastructural challenges of upskilling and reskilling. Scalable, efficient solutions for global learning programs.


High Billing Efficiency through LMS



Achieve high billing efficiency and customer satisfaction with flexible billing options in your LMS. A perfect system supports various payment methods, from installment payments and vouchers to consolidated invoices, and seamlessly integrates with your accounting software. Optimize your processes with an LMS that meets your needs.

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Your LMS: Data Security and Protection

data safety


Secure your digital learning environment with an LMS that meets the highest data protection and security standards. Learn how modern systems safeguard sensitive data, comply with regulations like GDPR, and ensure secure access for various user groups. Your business deserves a secure learning platform.

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15 LMS Fun-Facts: LMS & Digital Learning

lms fun facts


LMS – sounds dull, right? Think again! From quiz mastery to the classic “forgot my password” excuse, and that rewind button you wish real life had, learning becomes an adventure here. Discover how LMS secretly keeps you on your toes while always having your back!

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Scope of Learning Portals

Learning Portals


Learning portals are essential for large enterprises to efficiently centralize and tailor training. They offer flexible learning formats, personalized learning paths, and customizable user interfaces. With careful planning, selecting the right system, and ongoing support, companies can optimize their training programs and enhance cost-efficiency. ► Extensive Checklist for Free.

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Selecting IT for Seminar Management

Seminar Management


A professional seminar management software helps academies and training centers efficiently organize participant management, resource planning, and invoicing. From automated registration and scheduling of rooms and instructors to integration with existing systems—the right solution simplifies complex processes and increases transparency.

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All about SCORM, xAPI und LTI



A modern learning platform supports SCORM, xAPI, and LTI – the leading standards for modern e-learning. Benefit from seamless integration, comprehensive tracking, and flexible analytics. Create personalized learning paths, use external tools, and capture all learning activities – whether online, mobile, or in the classroom.


Product Training for Partners & Staff

Dealer Training


A Learning Management System (LMS) helps industrial companies efficiently train their distribution and service partners, from e-learning to in-person training. With features like qualification management and flexible billing models, it optimizes knowledge transfer, leading to higher sales and improved product expertise. ►With Checklist!

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What about: Blockchain in LMS



Discover how blockchain is revolutionizing the future of corporate learning. With tamper-proof certificates, transparent learning outcomes, and top-notch data security, this technology sets new standards for Learning Management Systems (LMS). Perfect for companies focused on security and efficiency. ►With free Checklist!

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All about Learning Record Stores

learning record store


Discover the benefits of a Learning Record Store (LRS) and revolutionize your learning approach. An LRS provides extensive opportunities for capturing, analyzing, and utilizing learning activities across multiple platforms. From optimizing individual learning paths to making data-driven decisions, learn how an LRS can future-proof your learning strategy and maximize learner success.

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Ideal for Compliance Training: cmi5



cmi5 is a future-proof eLearning standard combining flexibility and structure. It's ideal for compliance training, offering detailed tracking even for offline or mobile learning. Easily integrated with LMS and qualification systems, cmi5 provides extensive analysis and reporting capabilities.

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Data Lakes & LMS

data lake


Data Lakes are revolutionizing corporate learning by centralizing and analyzing relevant data. By integrating them with your LMS, you gain deep insights into learning behaviors and boost efficiency. Discover the benefits, challenges, and technical requirements of these transformative technologies.


Encryption Techniques for Your LMS

lms encryption


Secure encryption techniques are essential for any Learning Management System (LMS). From API data transmission to the storage of sensitive information, modern algorithms safeguard user privacy and comply with legal requirements. Discover how comprehensive security measures can protect your LMS.


#Life Hacks for Seminar Management

life hacks


Discover practical life hacks for organizing trainings and learn how seminar management software can help you optimize your planning and reduce stress. Automated registration processes, centralized course material management, and efficient feedback utilization make your training execution smoother and ensure satisfied participants.

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How to find a reliable LMS Vendor

LMS Vendor


Discover the essential criteria for identifying a reliable and trustworthy LMS provider! Focus on fairness, flexibility, competence, and exceptional service. We’ll guide you in finding the best partners who not only offer high-quality solutions but also understand and support your values. Trust our tips to choose the ideal provider for your needs! ► Extensive Checklist included!

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LMS Funding for Digitalization

funded training


Digitalization in academies and training centers is crucial for competitiveness. Funding programs like "go-digital" and "Digital Jetzt" provide financial support for implementing seminar management software and Learning Management Systems (LMS). SoftDeCC offers guidance on the implementation costs of TCmanager® LMS. Seize the opportunity to enhance your educational processes while exploring available funding options.

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Learners' Expectations - then & now



Learner expectations have drastically changed since 2000. Today, they demand flexible, personalized, and technology-driven educational offerings tailored to their individual needs. Academies and training providers must adapt their concepts and utilize modern seminar management systems and Learning Management Systems (LMS) to sustainably enhance engagement and learning success.

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Seminar Mgmt for Funded Training

funded training


Learn how your academy can offer government-funded training programs. We explain the AZAV certification requirements, the process for provider and program approval, and the benefits of specialized software for managing and billing these programs. Optimize your processes and increase your efficiency! ► Incl. Checklist for free!

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Support Mental Health with LMS

mental health


Mental health issues such as burnout and depression are increasing, leading to significant costs for businesses. Corporate academies and LMS can support prevention by offering stress management, mindfulness, and anonymous access to mental health resources. Technological solutions aid in measuring success and continually improving programs.

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Future in Professional Learning

future of learning


The educational landscape is changing: Technological innovations, societal shifts, and economic challenges demand that academies and training centers adapt their offerings. Discover the new learning formats and technologies that will be in demand in the future and how innovative seminar management software and Learning Management Systems can help you meet the needs of your participants.

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Better Education Controlling with LMS

Education Controlling

Educational controlling measures the success of employee training and helps optimize programs. A modern Learning Management System (LMS) supports this process with precise data tracking and analysis. It increases learning efficiency and enables better decisions for long-term learning success.

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Social Media Learning & Qualifications

Social Media Learning


Social Media Learning offers companies flexible learning opportunities that foster knowledge exchange. But how can informal learning be integrated into formal processes? This page explores the opportunities and challenges of Social Media Learning and how a Learning Management System (LMS) supports strategic learning goals. ►With extensive Checklist!

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Process Analysis in the Seminar Business

process chart


Digitalizing the seminar business offers tremendous efficiency gains. Careful process analysis and documentation help define clear software requirements and optimize workflows. This guide shows how training providers can systematically analyze and document their processes, then derive concrete software requirements.

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Comparism: Learning Analytics vs. LXP



Learning Experience Platforms (LXP) and Learning Analytics offer companies new ways to personalize and optimize learning processes. These technologies build on existing LMS but require technical prerequisites such as data integration and quality. A critical evaluation highlights both opportunities and challenges in implementation. ►With 2 extensive Checklists!

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LMS for Selforganization & Agility



A Learning Management System (LMS) supports self-directed learning and self-organized structures by fostering flexibility, responsibility, and collaboration. With personalized learning paths, progress tracking, and teamwork features, it helps employees develop key skills like communication, time management, and problem-solving. ►PLUS Free Checklist!

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Facts about LMS Myths



Discover the truth about Learning Management Systems (LMS) and debunk the most common myths! Many believe that LMS are only for large companies or that they limit learning. In our entertaining and informative guide, we reveal how LMS revolutionize learning processes, provide flexibility, and promote personalized development. Let’s break down the misconceptions together and explore the benefits of an LMS for your organization!

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Your Formula for Trainings-Complexity



Discover how the complexity of your training programs determines the need for a Learning Management System (LMS). In a dynamic corporate environment, increasing content depth, diverse audiences, and the demand for interactive learning formats can significantly elevate the challenges for your training department. Learn how to assess these factors and enhance the efficiency of your training initiatives with an LMS!

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Break Even Point of LMS

Break Even Point


Discover when investing in a Learning Management System (LMS) will pay off for your company. Learn how to compare implementation and operational costs with savings from increased efficiency and reduced training expenses to calculate the break-even point and ensure long-term benefits.

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About SoftDeCC - Who We Are & What We Do

Since 1998 SoftDeCC is working closely with major training centers and academies. This results in a unique experience with training requirements.

Our Learning Management System "TCmanager®" is designed to adjust to individual corporate learning processes and address evolving challenges.

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